Free coffee is on offer at Day's bakery in Great Shelford - if you post a review first

The new Zera Grooming Room on Woollards Lane, Great Shelford.

Kash Stores isn't Kash Stores any more.
After the popular Hinton Way shop changed hands last year, the new oners have changed the name of the shop to the Great Shelford local store.
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South Cambridgeshire District Council and Great Shelford
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The Little Shelford community website
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This Great Shelford community website includes details about the Great Shelford medical centre aka the Great Shelford doctors, the Shelford rugby club, Great Shelford FC, Great Shelford football club, Great Shelford school, the Great Shelford dentist, Great and Little Shelford primary school, Great Shelford library, the Great Shelford calendar, Great Shelford Parish Council and details about Great Shelford history as well as Restaurants in Great Shelford including the best places to eat in Great Shelford including the Indian restaurant Zara, and the Chinese restaurant Forum House, Great Shelford estate agents including Tucker Gardner , Redmayne, and Sharman Quinney, Great Shelford businesses including , Great Shelford deli, Davies Solicitors, Great Shelford dental surgery, shops in Great Shelford including Great Shelford deli, Barkers the butchers and Hair Solutions Great Shelford as well as pubs in Great Shelford including the Plough and Square and Compasses, builders in Great Shelford, plumbers in Great Shelford, Great Shelford churches including Great Shelford St Mary's Church, Great Shelford Free Church and Great Shelford community groups including Great Shelford Tennis Club, and Great Shelford WI. The Great Shelford website Great Shelford Online also includes details about Great Shelford events including the Great Shelford Feast, Great Shelford camping, bed and breakfast and hotel information. There is also a page on Great Shelford community groups, Great Shelford planning as well as regular updates on the Shelford fun run, the Cambridge South development , news about MP Anthony Browne, updates on the Arthur Rank hospice and information about Pink Floyd and their links to Great Shelford.
This community website for Shelford, Great Shelford Online, includes details about the Shelford Medical centre, Shelford rugby, Shelford post office, Shelford FC, Shelford football club, Shelford school, the Shelford dentist, Shelford primary school, Shelford library, the Shelford calendar, Shelford parish council and details about Shelford history as well as a list of Restaurants in Shelford including Zara, and Forum House, Shelford estate agents including Haart, Tucker Gardner and Sharman Quinney, Shelford businesses including , Shelford Deli, Davies Solicitors, Shelford dental surgery, Shops in Shelford including Shelford deli, Barkers the butchers, Cambridge Cycle Company, Hair solutions Shelford and Shelford post office as well as Pubs in Shelford including the Plough and Square and Compasses, Builders in Shelford, Plumbers in Shelford, Shelford churches including Shelford St Mary's church, Shelford free church and Shelford community groups including Shelford tennis club, and Shelford WI. The Shelford website also includes details about Shelford events including the Shelford Feast, Shelford camping, bed and breakfast and hotel information. There is also a page on Shelford community groups, Shelford planning and the Shelford village plan as well as regular updates on the Shelford fun run, the Cambridge South development , news about MP Anthony Brown, updates on the Shelford hospice, also known as the Arthur Rank hospice and information about Pink Floyd playing in Shelford.
The Great Shelford website includes details about roadworks and burglaries in all the main Great Shelford streets including Abberley Wood, Ashen Green, Babraham Road, Birch Trees Road, Bridge Close, Bridge Lane, Buristead Road, Cabbage Moor, Cambridge Road, Chaston Road, Cherry Hinton Road, Cherry Trees, Church Street, Coppice Avenue, Crandal Way, Davey Crescent, De Freville Road, Elm's Avenue, Glebe Lane, Grain Close, Granham's Road, Granhams Close, Granta Terrace, Headley Gardens, High Green, High Street, Hills View, Hinton Way, Hobsons Acre, Kings Mill Lane, Leeway Avenue, London Road, Macaulay Avenue, Marfleet Close, Maris Green, Mill Court, Mingle Lane, More's Meadow, Orchard Road, Peacocks, Poplar Close, Red Hill Close, Red Hill Lane, Robinson Court, Selwyn Close, Shelford Park Avenue, Shelford Road, Spinney Drive, Station Road, Stonehill Road, The Hectare, The Orchards, Tunwells Lane, Walden Way, Walnut Drive, Westfield Road, Wheelers, Woodlands Close, Woodlands Road and Woollards Lane.
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