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Shelford health news

Great Shelford dentists taking on new NHS patients

The Great Shelford Dental Surgery in Woollards Lane is taking on NHS patients.

"As we are overwhelmed with enquiries, we do have to operate w aiting list," they said.

"We are working our way through the list as efficiently as possible.

"If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please email

Posted Feb 26 2025

Great Shelford Grant GP practice February update

The NHS is again in the throes of extreme winter pressures due to high levels of infectious diseases such as flu, Covid, RSV and norovirus. You can help stop the spread by following the three C’s:-


CLEAN: Wash your hands often, using soap and warm water or use an alcohol-based hand rub

COVER: Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze. Use a tissue or your upper sleeve, not your hands.

CONTAIN: If you get sick, stay home until you’re well again. Try not to spread your germs to others.


Don’t forget you can treat many minor illnesses at home with a well-stocked medicine cabinet. Colds and coughs, sore throats, and upset stomachs can all be treated by having a supply of health care essentials such as pain relief (paracetamol / ibuprofen), cough and sore throat remedies, a first aid kit, upset stomach treatment, rehydration treatment and heartburn / indigestion treatment.


And finally … it isn’t too late to get a flu jab – they are available until the end of March – just give us a ring to book your appointment!


Wishing you all a safe and healthy February.


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted Jan 20 2025

Great Shelford Granta Medical Practice January 2025 update

For some of us it’s the time for New Years’ Resolutions, and we’re here to help you achieve your goals.


“In 2025 I would like to ..... stop smoking”


We can offer you smoking cessation and our trained nurses will be happy to help you. Please ring us on 0300 234 5555 for further information and to arrange an appointment.


“In 2025 I would like to ….. lose weight”


If you are over 16 and your BMI is greater than 25 you can access a free adult weight management service via our Wellbeing team. Please ring 01223 627745 or email the Wellbeing team on  When contacting the team please give your current weight and height.


“In 2025 I would like to ….. stay healthy”


If you are aged between 40 and 74 and do not have any pre-existing long term medical conditions, you may be eligible for a free NHS Health Check. Please ring us on 0300 234 5555 for further information and to book an appointment. Further information can be found at


Also, are you up to date with the vaccinations you are eligible for, e.g. flu, shingles, RSV, pneumonia? If you are unsure please do not hesitate to contact us and we can check for you.


“In 2025 I would like to ….. go on holiday”


Are you planning a well-deserved holiday in 2025? The Granta Travel Clinic team can give you advice on what vaccines and medications you may need for your trip away.  Simply fill out a travel form via our website or speak to a member of our reception team.


From all of us here at Granta, we wish you a healthy and safe 2025.



Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Click here to return to the Newsletter

Great Shelford Granta Medical Practices update November 2024


During winter, services such as GP surgeries and hospitals experience increased patient demand, mainly due to cold weather and peaks of common infections and ailments.


Between us all, we can help alleviate some of the demand by using alternative health services for those more minor conditions.


A number of pharmacies offer an extended service called Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS), where they can review and treat a number of minor illnesses and ailments. You can contact your local pharmacy directly or our reception teams can arrange a referral for you. If you are calling us with a minor illness or ailment, our reception teams may also signpost you to CPCS in the first instance.


There are many conditions covered by CPCS, including (but not limited to) generalised pain and swelling, sore throats, bites and stings, headaches, constipation and diarrhoea, colds and flu, mouth ulcers, tiredness, and vomiting.


Additionally, Pharmacists are able to offer treatment and prescribe medication for some conditions without you needing to see your GP.  This is called Pharmacy First.  Conditions that can be treated and prescribed for include:


  • Earache (aged 1 to 17 years)

  • Impetigo (aged 1 year and over)

  • Infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)

  • Shingles (aged 18 and over)

  • Sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)

  • Sore throat (aged 5 years and over)

  • Urinary tract infections or UTI’s (women aged 16 to 64 years)


If you contact us with an eye problem, our reception teams may signpost you to the Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS). MECS is made up of a team of eye specialists who treat non-emergency eye conditions that do not need hospital attention.  Conditions covered include acute red eyes, acute irritated or inflamed eyes, sticky discharge or acute watery eyes, in-growing eyelashes, foreign bodies in the eye and recently occurring flashes or floaters.


If you require any further information about any of the above services please do not hesitate to speak to your local pharmacy, our reception teams or email us on We wish you all a healthy and safe November.


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted Oct 29 2024

Shelford medical practice October update

As we approach the colder months, there are a number of vaccines that can help protect you against serious illness, including:


RSV VACCINE (new for 2024)


The RSV vaccine helps protect against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) that can make babies and older adults seriously ill.  This is offered all year round and is recommended if:


  • you are pregnant (from 28 weeks onwards) to help protect your baby after they are born

  • you are aged 75 to 79 (if you turn 80 on or after 1st September 2024 you’re eligible for the RSV vaccine until 31 August 2025. You are not eligible for the RSV vaccine if you turned 80 before 1st September 2024)




This vaccine helps protect against flu, which can be a serious or life-threatening illness.  It’s offered on the NHS every year in autumn or early winter to people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu. You can get the vaccine if you are:


  • aged 65 or over

  • have certain long-term health conditions

  • are pregnant

  • live in a care home

  • are the main carer for an older or disabled person

  • receive a carer’s allowance

  • live with someone who has a weakened immune system




This vaccine helps protect against shingles and is offered all year round. Shingles is a common condition that causes a painful rash. It can sometimes lead to serious problems such as long-lasting pain, hearing loss or blindness. You’re more likely to get shingles, and it is more likely to cause serious problems, as you get older or if you have a severely weakened immune system. The vaccine is recommended for:


  • people who turn 65 on or after 1st September

  • people aged 70 to 79

  • people aged 50 and over with a severely weakened immune system




This vaccine is offered all year round. It helps protect against serious illnesses like pneumonia and meningitis and is recommended for:


  • babies

  • people aged 65 and over

  • children and adults at higher risk of getting seriously ill


Please speak to any member of our reception team to check if you are eligible for any of the above vaccines and to book into a vaccine clinic.


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted September 30 2024

Granta Medical Practice September update

Flu Vaccinations 2024


This year NHS England have informed us that the routine annual adult Flu programme for adults aged 18 years old upwards will start on the 3rd October. To ensure you have maximum protection for the flu season you should be vaccinated in October preferably, but certainly by the end of November. Flu numbers start to rise in November and peak in December & January. 


However there are 3 groups of people who should be vaccinated early and we encourage you to be vaccinated in one of our September clinics.


Those who are pregnant (especially if near due date), because:


  • Pregnant women are at higher risk from complications from flu

  • To protect the baby during pregnancy (for example flu infection increases the risks of the baby being premature or stillborn)

  • To protect the baby in the first few months of life (babies aged under 6 months are at high risk of complications from flu)


Children, because:


  • The protection from the flu vaccine lasts longer in children

  • Children tend to be “super spreaders”

  • Getting your child vaccinated not only protects your child but also their grandparents, vulnerable parents and will reduce the spread of flu to the wider population


People due to have treatment such as chemotherapy, because:


If you are due to have treatment that will weaken your immune system, such as chemotherapy, the vaccine given before treatment starts will work better as your immune system is stronger.


Flu Clinic dates


Saturday 28th September – Granta Sawston (see September eligibility above)

Sunday 29th September – Granta Royston Health Centre (see September eligibility above)

Saturday 5th October – Granta Sawston

Saturday 5th October – Granta Linton

Sunday 6th October – Granta Royston Health Centre

Saturday 12th October – Granta Barley

Saturday 12th October – Granta Shelford

Saturday 19th October – Granta Sawston

Saturday 19th October – Granta Linton

Sunday 20th October – Granta Royston Health Centre

Saturday 26th October – Granta Shelford


To book your flu vaccination please call 0300 234 5555 and choose the Granta site of your choice or wait to receive your SMS link via your mobile phone to book your appointment.


For further information about the flu vaccination go to



Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted Aug 20 2024

Great Shelford Medical Practice July update

We continue to work hard to improve patient access.  We have recently employed 7 new GPs, who are starting at various times over the next few months.  Remember though, GPs aren’t the only healthcare professional you can see, depending on your medical need.

“Pharmacy First” is an NHS service available via high street pharmacies where, if eligible, you can obtain prescription medicine without seeing a GP. The conditions that are covered by Pharmacy First are:-

  • Earache (1 to 17 years)

  • Impetigo (1 year and over)

  • Infected insect bites (1 year and over)

  • Shingles (18 years and over)

  • Sinusitis (12 years and over)

  • Sore throat (5 years and over)

  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (women, 16-64 years old)

If you go to a pharmacy with one of these conditions, a pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.  They will then update your GP health record.


If you are not within the above age ranges, a pharmacist can still offer you advice on these and many other conditions, and if they cannot help you directly they may signpost you to an alternative healthcare professional for treatment.


For further information go to

New telephone system – call back option

Some patients have reported the call back option not working for them.  To use this service, when you are prompted please press option 1, but then you also need to listen to the next message and press option 1 again.  There is also an option to receive a call back to a different telephone number.


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted June 19 2024

New health service to be based in Great Shelford

Cambridge Prosthetic and Orthotic Service has moved into Mill Court, Great Shelford.


They are a large Consultant-led service employing orthotic, prosthetic, technical and administrative staff to deliver the service to NHS patients

Posted June 18 2024

Great Shelford Medical Practice April update

Spring COVID-19 vaccine


NHS UK will contact you directly if your NHS medical record suggests you may be eligible for a spring COVID-19 vaccine.


You may be offered a spring COVID-19 vaccine from April 2024 if you:-


  • Are aged 75 years old or over

  • Live in a care home for older adults

  • Are aged 6 months old or over and have a weakened immune system


When available, there will be different ways to obtain your vaccine, including:


  • Booking online

  • Going to a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site

  • Through your care home

  • Via one of the community services


If you go to a walk-in centre please remember to take your invitation letter with you.


As and when we receive further information about the spring vaccine we will let you know.


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted March 20

Great Shelford Medical Practice March update

Our telephone system is being upgraded.


You said, we listened. Our new ‘phone system now allows you to stay in the queue whilst not staying in the queue. If you are holding on waiting to be spoken to, you will be given the option to request a call back.  You can then come off the line and we will ring you back when it’s your turn to go through to reception, keeping your place in the ‘phone queue.


Don’t forget though, you don’t have to ring up at 8am to get an appointment.  If your health condition is urgent you will be seen on that day, regardless of the time you ring.  If you need a routine appointment you can ring any time of the day, you can book online (new appointments are released online at 8am and at 2pm daily), or you can use our online consultation tool, Accurx Patient Triage, a link to which can be found on our website.


Finally, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you that have taken the time to give us positive feedback recently.  All of our staff work really hard to provide the best possible service, in the face of increasing pressures in primary care.  Every single compliment is shared with the entire team, and really makes a difference.  Thank you.


Sandra East

Posted Feb 27 2024

Great Shelford medical practice February update

Appointments update


Here at Granta, we continue to offer a mixture of face to face, telephone and online appointments. I would like to take this opportunity to explain how our appointments system works and what is available to Granta patients.


Firstly, please be assured that no-one apart from clinicians make clinical decisions about your care when you first contact us.  Our reception teams have clear criteria, set by GPs, as to what can be put straight onto a clinician’s urgent list. However, if they or you are unsure, they will take your details and discuss your concerns with the clinical team and then get back to you.


When ringing for an appointment you will be asked if there is a particular clinician you would like to see, either for continuity of your presenting problem or continuity of overall care. It may be that you don’t mind who you see – you just need to speak to someone about your current medical problem.


Please do help our reception team by providing as much information as possible. All information is treated as confidential and will only be used for triage purposes. They are simply trying to make sure you are seen by the right person, in the right place, at the right time.


If you do feel that your problem is not urgent, you will be asked if a routine appointment may be more suitable, or perhaps a long term medical conditions appointment, a palliative care appointment, or whether we can help you in any other way.


If your appointment starts with a telephone call then, together with the clinician, it can be decided whether a face to face appointment will be the appropriate next step.


Routine appointments are available a few weeks in advance, all pre-bookable via our reception teams and online. New routine appointments are released daily at 8am and at 2pm to allow for regular availability. If you ring and there is nothing available, our reception team can send you a link that is valid for 7 days (that you can check daily) to pre-book a face to face or telephone appointment, so that you do not need to ring back.


Alternatively, if you would prefer, you could use Accurx Patient Triage via our website to have an online consultation with a clinician. We do ask however that you only send routine queries as it can take up to 72 hours to respond.


There will always be sickness, annual leave and the perception that clinicians are not seeing patients. However, on average, Granta’s doctors and nurses see around 4,000 patients face to face per week, and consult with another 3,500 via the telephone and online. We continue to try and accommodate all of our patients in a way that suits and please be assured that we are continuously reviewing and revising patient access.


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted Jan 22 2024

Great Shelford Medical Practice December update

Please find below details of when our surgeries will be open over the Christmas and New Year break.


Please remember to order your repeat prescriptions in plenty of time so that you do not run out of your medication over the holidays. The table below shows you when you will be able to collect your prescriptions, depending on the date you place your order.





Opening hours


Repeat prescription schedule

Fri 22.12.2023

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up

Fri 29.12.2023

Sat 23.12.2023

Open for pre-booked appointments only (Sawston)

Place order today, pick up

Tues 02.01.2024

Sun 24.12.2023 (Christmas Eve)


Place order today, pick up

Tues 02.01.2024

Mon 25.12.2023 (Christmas Day)


Place order today, pick up

Tues 02.01.2024

Tues 26.12.2023 (Boxing Day)


Place order today, pick up

Tues 02.01.2024

Wed 27.12.2023


Open as usual

Place order today, pick up

Tues 02.01.2024

Thurs 28.12.2023

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up

Wed 03.01.2024

Fri 29.12.2023

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up

Thurs 04.01.2024

Sat 30.12.2023

Open for pre-booked appointments only (Sawston)

Place order today, pick up

Fri 05.01.2024

Sun 31.01.2023 (New Years’ Eve)


Place order today, pick up

Fri 05.01.2024

Mon 01.01.2024 (New Years’ Day)


Place order today, pick up

Fri 05.01.2024

Tues 02.01.2024

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up

Fri 05.01.2024


Don’t forget, there are Prescription Collection Points at Sawston, Linton and Shelford. Sign up today via to pick up your medication at your convenience over the holidays.


Be prepared for common health problems by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home. You can treat many minor illnesses such as colds and coughs, sore throats, and upset stomachs by having a supply of health care essentials such as pain relief (paracetamol / ibuprofen), cough and sore throat remedies, a first aid kit, upset stomach treatment, rehydration treatment and heartburn / indigestion treatment. Having these essentials at home will not only save you time and help you feel better quicker, but will also help save the NHS much needed resources.


Local pharmacists can also offer you advice and guidance on the best treatment for you. They are available on every high street and in supermarkets, with many open in the evening and at weekends.


Whilst we are closed, if you need urgent medical assistance please use the NHS 111 service.  If you have an emergency that poses an immediate threat to life, please ring 999.


For further information on available healthcare services, please go to or our website


We wish you all a healthy and peaceful holiday season.


Sandra East, Head of Patient Services

Great Shelford Medical Practice November update​

  • Flu vaccines: If you are eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine but have not yet had it please call us today on 0300 234 5555 to book your appointment –it’s not too late! If you are eligible for shingles and pneumo vaccines you can get these as the same time.

  • Covid vaccines: We are vaccinating our housebound patients and care home residents. For anyone else eligible, vaccines are available at various walk-in centres and vaccination sites.  For further information please go to

·         Accurx Patient Triage: Our online consultation tool is now live. Accurx replaces our email service, is easy to use and is a secure way of liaising with us. Accurx is PC-based – you do not need to download an app and you don’t need to create an account.  Accurx can also be used for administrative queries, such as insurance forms, etc. Simply go to our website and click on the link to start. If you don’t use online services you can still ring or pop in to see us.

  • Repeat prescriptions: Now is the time to start thinking about your repeat medication stocks over the Christmas period.  When is your repeat due?  Does it work around your Christmas plans? Avoid the last minute rush and plan ahead now!


  Sandra East, Granta Patient Services

Posted Oct 9 2023

Great Shelford Medical Practice September update

The NHS App


Did you know that you can use the NHS App to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet?  It doesn’t replace existing services, and you can still contact us in the usual ways.


However, once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information. You can:


  • Order repeat prescriptions

  • Access NHS111 online

  • Find NHS services

  • View your health records

  • Book appointments

  • And much more …


If you have any problems using the NHS App, you can select “help” in the top right-hand corner of the app or


Flu Clinics


Have you booked your flu jab yet? If not please call us now on 0300 234 5555. Details of dates and eligibility can be found on our website 


Please note that over 50’s with no underlying conditions are no longer eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine. However, private flu vaccinations will be widely available through high street pharmacies, etc.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services


Posted Aug 16 2023

Great Shelford Medical Practice August update

Granta Medical Practices Flu Clinics 2023


Influenza (flu) vaccines that protect against the influenza viruses. Most flu vaccines are given with a needle in the arm but there is also a nasal spray flu vaccine.


Flu vaccination is important because, whilst flu is unpleasant for most people, it can be dangerous and even life-threatening to others, particularly those with certain health conditions. The best times to have your flu vaccine is early autumn before flu starts spreading. However, you can get your vaccine later if necessary. 


We are holding our flu clinics on the following dates:


  • Saturday 23rd September – Linton Health Centre, CB21 4JS

  • Saturday 23rd September – Sawston Medical Practice, CB22 3HU

  • Sunday 24th September – Royston Health Centre, SG8 7BS

  • Saturday 30th September – Shelford Health Centre, CB22 5FY

  • Saturday 7th October – Sawston Medical Practice, CB22 3HU

  • Sunday 8th October - Royston Health Centre, SG8 7BS

  • Saturday 14th October – Barley Surgery, SG8 8HY

  • Saturday 14th October - Linton Health Centre, CB21 4JS

  • Saturday 21st October - Shelford Health Centre, CB22 5FY

  • Saturday 28th October - Linton Health Centre, CB21 4JS

  • Saturday 28th October - Barley Surgery, SG8 8HY


All clinics start at 8:30am and finish at 4:15pm


Groups eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine from 1st September 2023 are:


  • Those aged 65 years and over


  • Those aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups:


  • Chronic respiratory disease

  • Ischaemic heart disease and vascular disease

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Chronic liver disease

  • Chronic neurological disease

  • Diabetes and adrenal insufficiency

  • Immunosuppression and those who are in close contact with an immunosuppressed person

  • Asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen

  • Pregnant women

  • Morbid obesity, BMI 40+ 


  • Carers in receipt of a carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person


  • Care home residents 


  • Pregnant women 


  • Children aged 2 or 3 years old, specifically at 31st August 2023  


Primary school children will be vaccinated in school and only eligible to have through us if they have an underlying health condition mentioned above. 


Please note that the over 50’s with no underlying conditions are no longer eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine. However, private flu vaccinations will be widely available through high street pharmacies, etc.


Whilst you are having your jab don’t forget to ask about your eligibility for other vaccinations such as shingles, pneumonia or whooping cough.


Eligible patients will shortly receive a text with a link to book a flu jab, or you can call us on 0300 234 5555.  Clinics will be available to book into from August.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services


Posted July 26 2023

Great Shelford medical practice July update

National flu immunisation programme 2023


Eligibility for the free NHS flu vaccination is changing.  This year the free NHS flu vaccine will not be offered to over 50’s.  Instead the following people will be invited:


·         those aged 65 years and over

·         those aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups

·         pregnant women

·         all children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2023

·         primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6)

·         those in long-stay residential care homes

·         carers in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person

·         close contacts of immunocompromised individuals

·         frontline workers in a social care setting without an employer led occupational health scheme including those working for a registered residential care or nursing home, registered domiciliary care providers, voluntary managed hospice providers and those that are employed by those who receive direct payments (personal budgets) or Personal Health budgets, such as Personal Assistants


We are finalising plans for our flu clinics and next month we will let everyone know what the dates are.


In the meantime, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to ring us on 0300 234 5555 or email


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted June 20 2023

Granta Medical Practice March update

Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) survey will go live 1st March 2023, and will remain open until 31st March 2023.  Please find below the web link to take part. For those of you that do not have access to a computer or mobile telephone, please call into any Granta surgery and pick up a paper copy.


We would like to thank all of you in advance for taking the time to complete this questionnaire, and thank you to our PPG committee who have worked tirelessly putting this survey together. Whilst we cannot guarantee to fix the NHS, we do really want to try and accommodate patient feedback where appropriate and possible.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Sandra East on

Posted Feb 27 2023

Granta Medical Practices Update June 2023


Royston Health Centre is now part of Granta Medical Practices. We are very excited to work with the Royston team and extend a warm welcome to our new patients.


I would just like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about where our surgeries are and the telephone options:


  • Granta Sawston, 0300 234 5555 – option 2

  • Granta Linton, 0300 234 5555 – option 3

  • Granta Barley, 0300 234 5555 – option 4

  • Granta Royston Market Hill, 0300 234 5555 – option 5

  • Granta Shelford, 0300 234 5555 – option 6

  • Granta Royston Health Centre, 0300 234 5555 – option 7


You can continue to go to your usual surgery and request to see your usual clinician, but you are also very welcome to go to any other Granta surgery if you wish.


The NHS continues to be under huge pressure across the whole country. Here at Granta, we continue to try to provide the best possible service we can in the face of GP shortages and increased demand.


We know that some of you struggle to get through on the ‘phone to us and / or get an appointment. As we all know, there is no easy fix. However, there are small ways you can help, which in turn helps us.


Self-care: You can treat many minor illnesses such as colds and coughs, sore throats and upset stomachs at home. Make sure you are stocked up with healthcare essentials such as pain relief (e.g. Paracetamol), cough and sore throat remedies, upset stomach treatment, rehydration treatment, heartburn / indigestion treatments and a first aid kit.


Use the NHS UK Symptom Checker This helpful tool can guide you through your symptoms and direct you to the most appropriate health service for your needs.


Use your local pharmacy: As qualified health professionals, pharmacists can offer you advice and guidance on your symptoms and on the best treatment for you – no appointment required. Pharmacists are available on every high street and in supermarkets, with many being open in the evenings and at weekends. If your symptoms suggest something serious, pharmacists have the right training to make sure you get the help you need.


Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS): This service enables patients to have a same day appointment with their community pharmacist for minor illnesses or an urgent supply of a regular medicine. Should you need to be escalated or referred to an alternative service, the pharmacist can arrange this. Please speak to a member of our reception team to be referred into this service.


Ring NHS 111, Option 2: If you are experiencing a mental health crisis this First Response Service puts your mental health first. There are a team of specialist mental health clinicians on hand 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to offer advice and support and signpost you as appropriate.


Non-urgent appointments: Before ringing us, check availability of appointments online. You can do this if you have online access via SystmOnline, the Airmid app, or the NHS app.


Medication: If you need to order your repeat medication, please do this online via SystmOnline, the NHS app, or the Airmid app. Details of how to do this can be found on our website  If you do not have internet or mobile telephone access, you can send in your repeat medication slip or write in with your repeat request.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to speak to one of our reception team or email us on


Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted May 24 2023

Granta medical practice update January 2023

Happy New Year!


For some of us its New Years’ Resolutions time, and we’re here to help you achieve your goals.


“In 2023 I would like to ..... stop smoking”


We can offer you smoking cessation and our trained nurses will be happy to help you. Please ring us on 0300 234 5555 for further information and to arrange an appointment.


“In 2023 I would like to ….. lose weight”


If you are over 16 and your BMI is greater than 25 you can access a free adult weight management service via our Social Navigation team. Please ring 01223 627745 or email  When contacting the team please give your current weight and height.


“In 2023 I would like to ….. stay healthy”


If you are aged between 40 and 74 and do not have a pre-existing long term medical condition, you may be eligible for a free NHS Health Check. Please ring us on 0300 234 5555 for further information and to book an appointment.


Also, are you up to date with the vaccinations you are eligible for, e.g. flu, shingles, pneumonia? If you are unsure please do not hesitate to contact us and we can check for you.


“In 2023 I would like to ….. go on holiday”


Are you planning a holiday of a life time in 2023? The Granta Travel Clinic team can give you advice on what vaccines and medications you may need for your trip away.  Simply fill out a travel form via our website or call in to pick up a leaflet.


From all of us here at Granta, we wish you a healthy and safe 2023.


Sandra East, Head of Patient Services


Posted Dec 6 2022

NHS Hearing Aid Maintenance Centre


We clean, re-tube and supply batteries for NHS hearing aids. We do not provide hearing aids or hearing tests



Great Shelford Free Church (Baptist)

Ashen Green, Great Shelford, CB22 5EY





This is a drop-off and wait service by appointment only.

To book an appointment please use our online service at

or phone the office 01223 416141 or Text: 07852 699196.


Thursday             5th January                        Thursday              6th July

                              2nd February                                                   3rd August

                              2nd March                                                       7th September

                              6th April                                                            5th October

                              4th May                                                            2nd November

                              1st June                                                           7th December

Supported by NHS Audiology and Cambridgeshire County Council



If you require batteries only, you can now collect them from any one of our Hearing Aid Maintenance Centres, without the need to make an appointment. Please drop in during our HAM Centre opening hours and we will issue them to you.


For cleaning/retubing, please make an appointment.


You can also pick-up batteries from the Cambridgeshire Mobile Library which visits 85 villages and communities throughout the county.



CDA Hearing Help is a charity. If you would like to donate, you may do some by sending us a cheque, online via our website or in person at a Hearing Aid Maintenance Centre. Any contribution will be gratefully received. Thank you.

For postal donations, please send to:

CDA Hearing Help

153 St Neots Road,


Cambridge CB23 7QJ


Please make cheques payable to:

Cambridgeshire Deaf Association


For online donations, simply visit: and click on the ‘Make a donation to Cambridgeshire Hearing Help’ button on the bottom right of the screen. You will be able to make a one-off donation or set up a standing order using your bank card/Paypal account. Thank you.

Posted Dec 22 2022

Granta Medical Practices update, December 2022

Please find below details of when our surgeries will be open over the Christmas and New Year break.


Make sure that you order your repeat prescriptions in plenty of time to ensure that you do not run out of your medication over the holidays. The table below shows you when you will be able to collect your prescriptions, depending on the date you place your order.

Fri 23.12.2022

Open as usual

Sat 24.12.2022 (Christmas Eve)

Open for pre-booked appointments only

Sun 25.12.2022 (Christmas Day)



Monday 26.12.2022 (Boxing Day)


Tues 27.12.2022 (Bank Holiday)


Wed 28.12.2022

Open as usual

Thurs 29.12.2022

Open as usual

Fri 30.12.2022

Open as usual

Sat 31.12.2022 (New Years’ Eve)

Open for pre-booked appointments only

Sun 01.01.2023 (New Years’ Day)


Mon 02.01.2023 (Bank Holiday)


Tues 03.01.2023

Open as usual



Don’t forget, we now have the Prescription Collection Points at Sawston, Linton and Shelford. Sign up today to pick up your medication at your convenience, over the Christmas holidays.


Be prepared for common health problems by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home. You can treat many minor illnesses such as colds and coughs, sore throats, and upset stomachs by having a supply of health care essentials such as pain relief (paracetamol), cough and sore throat remedies, a first aid kit, upset stomach treatment, rehydration treatment and heartburn / indigestion treatment. Having these essentials at home will not only save you time and help you feel better quicker, but will also help save the NHS much needed resources.


Your local pharmacist can also offer you advice and guidance on the best treatment for you. Pharmacists are available on every high street and in supermarkets with many open evenings and weekends.


Whilst we are closed, if you need urgent medical assistance please use the NHS 111 service.  If you have an emergency that poses an immediate threat to life, please ring 999.


For further information on available healthcare services, please go to or our website


We wish you all a healthy and peaceful holiday season.


Sandra East, Head of Patient Services. Email:

Granta Medical Practices Update, October 2022


24/7 Prescription Collection Points


Here at Granta, we recognise that modern life is pretty busy, which often makes remembering to order and collecting your medication challenging.


With our 24/7 prescription collection points, you can pick up your repeat prescriptions on a day and at a time that suits you – even when our dispensaries are closed. You can collect day or night, weekends and bank holidays.


Where can I find the collection points?


We have 24/7 collection points at Granta Sawston and Granta Linton, and have just installed a new one at Granta Shelford.


How do they work?


  • Order your prescriptions from your surgery in the usual way.

  • When your medicines are ready to collect you will receive a text on your mobile phone with a unique collection pin.

  • Simply type the pin number into the machine and pay any charges via card (if you pay for prescriptions) and the machine will dispense your medication.


Are there items that cannot be collected from a 24/7 collection point?


There are some items the collection points cannot be used for, for clinical or regulatory reasons. These include:-


  • Controlled drugs like morphine and oxycodone

  • Drugs that need to be stored in a fridge

  • Very large bulky items


More ways to manage your repeat prescriptions


The 24/7 collection points add to the range of ways you can now access your medications – direct at the dispensary counter, in the comfort of your own home with our free home delivery service, and now at a date/time of your choice.


Try them out for yourself


For further information and to register, pick up one of our collection point forms or contact us via, stating which collection point you would like your medicines dispensed from. Our friendly team are here to help. Please note that you do need to have a smartphone to use this service.


Flu Clinics 2022 - Reminder


Have you booked your flu jab appointment yet? If not, but you are eligible, ring 0300 234 5555 now to book your appointment. The flu clinic dates are as follows:


  • Saturday 24th September – Sawston Medical Practice, CB22 3HU

  • Saturday 1st October – Linton Health Centre, CB21 4JS

  • Sunday 2nd October – Market Hill Surgery, SG8 9JN

  • Saturday 8th October – Shelford Health Centre, CB22 5FY

  • Sunday 16th October – Linton Health Centre, CB21 4JS

  • Sunday 16th October – Barley Surgery, SG8 8HY

  • Friday 21st October – Sawston Medical Practice, CB22 3HU

  • Saturday 22nd October – Shelford Health Centre, CB22 5FY



Sandra East

T. 0300 234 5555

Posted Sept 27 2022

Great Shelford health news

Granta Update September 2022


Flu Clinics 2022


Now that we are all socialising again and there are questions about lower levels of immunity since lockdown, it is really important to get your flu vaccine.  We now have the dates of our clinics, which are as follows:-


  • Saturday 24th September – Sawston Medical Practice, CB22 3HU

  • Saturday 1st October – Linton Health Centre, CB21 4JS

  • Sunday 2nd October – Market Hill Surgery, SG8 9JN

  • Saturday 8th October – Shelford Health Centre, CB22 5FY

  • Sunday 16th October – Linton Health Centre, CB21 4JS

  • Sunday 16th October – Barley Surgery, SG8 8HY

  • Friday 21st October – Sawston Medical Practice, CB22 3HU

  • Saturday 22nd October – Shelford Health Centre, CB22 5FY


All clinics will run from 8:30am to 4pm.


We will be vaccinating:-


  • all children aged 2 to 3 years on 31 August 2022

  • people aged 65 years and over (including those becoming 65 by 31 March 2023

  • those patients aged from 6 months to less than 65 years of age in a clinical risk group such as asthma, COPD, chronic heart problems, and diabetes. If you are unsure if you fit into an “at risk” group don’t hesitate to ask

  • pregnant women (including those women who become pregnant during the influenza season)

  • household contacts of immunocompromised individuals, especially those for whom continuing close contact is unavoidable

  • those in long stay residential care homes

  • those who are carers

  • those with a learning disability.


The Government is also extending the cohort to include those patients 50 years old and over with no underlying health conditions. However, these patients will be vaccinated later in the programme, most likely November time.


The vaccines we are using this year are:


For the 2 to 3 year olds – Fluenz nasal spray. This should arrive in time for us to vaccinate in our planned clinics.


For 18 to 64 year olds – Flucelvax and Supemtek. These are both egg-free and provide a better immune response than the traditional egg-based vaccines used in previous years.


For 65 years old and over – Fluad (adjuvanted quadrivalent). This vaccine contains an immunity boost.


We are hopeful that we will be able to give the Covid autumn boosters at the same time as the flu vaccines. We will keep you updated with any developments.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.


Sandra East

T. 0300 234 5555

Posted August 26 2022

Stop press Vaccines Update

Here at Granta, we are dedicated to delivering a full flu vaccination programme this autumn. As a result, we have had to make the very difficult decision to not co-administer Covid vaccinations. A number of factors have influenced our decision, including:

• Our wish to deliver the best possible flu vaccination programme to all of our eligible patients.

• Co-administration would mean less flu vaccinations done due to different ways of storage, administration, and different computer system requirements.

• Previously, in order to deliver Covid vaccines we had to postpone many normal day-to-day services. We do not wish to do this again.

• Covid-19 vaccinations will be widely available to everyone in the area.

We can confirm that we will be delivering Covid vaccines to our care home residents, and that CCS or CPFT will be vaccinating our housebound patients.

NHS England will be sending out communications during September and you will be able to either go into a vaccine walk-in centre or book an appointment via the National Booking Service.

Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

Posted Aug 31 2022


AngliEar makes the news


AngliEar's advice about children who may be experiencing hearing problems have been highlighted in the Cambridge Independent.

Granta practices April update

We continue to try to provide the best possible service to our patients whilst experiencing staff shortages and high demand. Please bear with us as day-to-day operations are disrupted. Listed below are some hints and tips to help you help yourself and in turn help us and the NHS:-

SELF-CARE: You can treat many minor illnesses such as colds and coughs, sore throats and upset stomachs at home. Make sure you are stocked up with healthcare essentials such as pain relief (e.g. Paracetamol), cough and sore throat remedies, upset stomach treatment, rehydration treatment, heartburn / indigestion treatments and a first aid kit.

USE YOUR LOCAL PHARMACIST: They can offer you advice and guidance on your symptoms and on the best treatment for you – no appointment needed. Pharmacists are available on every high street and in supermarkets, with many being open in the evenings and at weekends.

COMMUNITY PHARMACIST CONSULTATION SERVICE (CPCS): This service enables patients to have a same day appointment with their community pharmacist for minor illness or an urgent supply of a regular medicine. Should you need to be escalated or referred to an alternative service, the pharmacist can arrange this. Please speak to our reception team to be referred into this service.

USE THE NHS UK SYMPTOM CHECKER  This helpful tool can guide you through your symptoms and direct you to the most appropriate health service for your needs.

RING NHS 111, OPTION 2: If you are experiencing a mental health crisis this First Response Service puts your mental health first. It provides 24-hour access, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to mental health care, advice, support and treatment.

MEDICATION: If you need to order medication, please do this online via SystmOnline or the Airmid app. Details of how to do this can be found on our website  If you do not have internet or mobile telephone access, you can send in your repeat medication slip or write in with your repeat request. Unfortunately, we cannot take prescription orders over the telephone.

Thank you for your continued understanding, patience and support. #bekind

Posted March 22 2022

Granta apri

Granta Medical Practices Update, March 2022



Are you up to date with all of your vaccinations? There are a number of vaccines available on the NHS, the more common of which are listed below. If you are unsure whether you are eligible or would like further information please do not hesitate to call us on 0300 234 5555 or visit www.NHS.UK


Shingles vaccine – who is eligible?


  • Adults 70 to 79 years old


You only need to have the shingles vaccine once and you can have it at any time of year. Whilst it is a very effective vaccine, some people can develop shingles at a later stage, but the illness will be milder. It is also fine to have the shingles vaccine if you have already had shingles. It works well in people who have had shingles before, and it will boost your immunity against further shingles attacks.


There is a new vaccine available for people who are immunosuppressed called Shingrix and this is available at all of our surgeries as a 2-dose course.


Pneumonia vaccine – who is eligible?


  • Babies, as part of the national immunisation programme

  • Adults aged 65 and over

  • Children and adults with certain long-term health conditions, such as a serious heart or kidney condition.


The pneumonia vaccine protects against serious pneumococcal infections and encourages your body to produce antibodies against pneumococcal bacteria.


If you have a long-term health condition you may only need a single one-off vaccination or a vaccination every 5 years, depending on your underlying problem.


Flu vaccine – who is eligible?


  • Adults 50 years and over

  • Have certain health conditions

  • Are pregnant

  • Are in a long-stay residential care

  • Receive a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick

  • Live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis).

  • Frontline health or social care workers


If you are not eligible for a free NHS vaccine you can buy one from your local pharmacist. Granta Pharmacy in Sawston have stocks of flu vaccine – to book an appointment call 01223 727530.


Covid vaccine – who is eligible?


  • People aged 16 and over

  • Children aged 12 to 15

  • Some children aged 5 to 11


Adults have 2 vaccinations plus a booster dose. People with a severely weakened immune system are offered 3 doses plus a booster. Please note that it is never too late to start your covid vaccine course.


Visit to find out where get covid vaccinations.

Sandra East, Head of Patient Services

Granta Medical Practices, London Road, Sawston, CB22 3HU

Posted Feb 14 2022

Granta Medical Practices Update, February 2022

Covid Vaccine Update

On 13th December 2021 the government announced that the deadline for every adult to have been offered a covid booster was being brought forward from 31st January 2022 to 31st December 2021.

Granta staff stepped forward to support the “Omicron Emergency Booster National Mission” to encourage everyone who is eligible to “get boosted now”.

Between 15th December and 3rd January an extra 7,000 Granta patients were vaccinated. Staff worked the 3 bank holidays, in addition to squeezing extra vaccine clinics into their normal working days, to ensure that as many patients as possible were vaccinated before the new deadline passed.

New Hospital Helpline for Patients

The Covid-19 pandemic has added to the strain on all NHS services. As a result of this, waiting list times for outpatient and specialist appointments and procedures have increased for everybody. 

This can cause worry and uncertainty about when you will eventually receive an appointment, and unfortunately Granta has no direct access to the hospital appointment lists.  

If you have been referred by your GP / are waiting for:

·An outpatient appointment

·An appointment for hospital tests (e.g. scans)

·A date for an operation or other treatment

·A follow-up from your hospital team

and you have a query about what is happening, there is now a new dedicated Freephone Patient Help Line - 0800 048 5800.

May we respectfully ask that you only call Granta if your condition has genuinely deteriorated, when you will be reviewed by one of the clinical team and appropriate action can be taken in regard to your hospital care.

Thank you for your continued understanding, patience and support.

Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Posted Jan 31 2022

Great Shelford health news


Granta Medical Practices Update December 2021

Please find below details of when our surgeries will be open over the Christmas and New Year break.


Make sure that you order your repeat prescriptions in plenty of time to ensure that you do not run out of your medication over the holidays. The table below shows you when you will be able to collect your prescriptions, depending on the date you place your order.



Day and date

Opening hours


Repeat prescription schedule

Thursday 23rd December 2021

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up 30th Dec

Friday 24th December (Christmas Eve)

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up 31st Dec

Saturday 25th December (Christmas Day)


Place order today, pick up 4th Jan

Sunday 26th December (Boxing Day)


Place order today, pick up 4th Jan

Monday 27th December (Bank Holiday)


Place order today, pick up 4th Jan

Tuesday 28th December (Bank Holiday)


Place order today, pick up 4th Jan

Wednesday 29th December

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up 4th Jan

Thursday 30th December

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up 5th Jan

Friday 31st December (New Years’ Eve)

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up 6th Jan

Saturday 1st January (New Years’ Day)


Place order today, pick up 7th Jan

Sunday 2nd January


Place order today, pick up 7th Jan

Monday 3rd January (Bank Holiday)


Place order today, pick up 7th Jan

Tuesday 4th January 2022

Open as usual

Place order today, pick up 7th Jan


Be prepared for common health problems by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home. You can treat many minor illnesses such as colds and coughs, sore throats, and upset stomachs by having a supply of health care essentials such as pain relief (paracetamol), cough and sore throat remedies, a first aid kit, upset stomach treatment, rehydration treatment and heartburn / indigestion treatment. Having these essentials at home will not only save you time and help you feel better quicker, but will also help save the NHS much needed resources.


Your local pharmacist can also offer you advice and guidance on the best treatment for you. Pharmacists are available on every high street and in supermarkets with many open evenings and weekends.


Whilst we are closed, if you need urgent medical assistance please use the NHS 111 service.  If you have an emergency that poses an immediate threat to life, please ring 999.


For further information on available healthcare services, please go to or our website


We wish you all a healthy and peaceful holiday season.


Sandra East, Head of Patient Services. Tel: 01223 627743 / Email:

Posted Nov 9 2021

NHS Hearing Aid Maintenance Centre


We clean, re-tube and supply batteries for NHS hearing aids

We do not provide hearing aids or hearing tests



Great Shelford Free Church (Baptist)

Ashen Green, Great Shelford, CB22 5EY



FROM 10.00 AM - 12 NOON



This is a drop-off and wait service by appointment only.

To book an appointment please use our online service at

or phone the office 01223 416141 or Text: 07852 699196.


Thursday       6th January                Thursday       7th July

                        3rd February                                     4th August

                        3rd March                                          1st September

                        7th April                                             6th October

                        5th May                                              3rd November

                        Not open in June                            1st December

Supported by NHS Audiology and Cambridgeshire County Council

Posted Nov 30 2021

Great Shelford health news


Granta Medical Practices Update November 2021


Coronavirus (COVID-19) booster vaccine


The coronavirus boosters are being given by NHS vaccination centres in our area, and you will be contacted direct when it is your turn to book. The booster vaccine dose helps improve the protection you have from your first two doses of the vaccine and also helps gives you longer-term protection against getting seriously ill from COVID-19.


Who can get a COVID-19 booster vaccine?


Booster vaccine doses are available to those most at risk from COVID-19 who have had a second dose of vaccine at least 6 months ago. This includes:


  • People aged 50 and over

  • People who live and work in care homes

  • Frontline health and social care workers

  • People aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts them at high risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19

  • Carers aged 16 and over

  • People aged 16 and over who live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis)


If you are pregnant and in one of the eligible groups listed above you can also get a booster dose.


If you are a frontline health or social care worker you can book a booster dose appointment online – you do not need to wait to be contacted by the NHS.


For further information on coronavirus booster vaccinations please ring NHS 119 or go to



Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Granta Medical Practices Update October 2021


Flu clinics


You may have seen in the news that some scheduled flu vaccine deliveries could be delayed.


If your appointment is affected we will contact you to rearrange.  If you do not hear from us then please assume that your existing appointment is going ahead.


Face coverings


Please note that face coverings must be worn when entering any Granta building, unless you are exempt. This is to protect our vulnerable patients and also to protect our staff and our community.


Covid symptoms


If you are experiencing any covid symptoms, please do not come into any of our surgeries. Instead, stay at home and ring 119 / go online to to arrange for a PCR test.


If you have any questions you can call us on 0300 234 5555 or visit our website .

Sandra East

Head of Patient Services

Granta Medical Practice update September 2021


Flu Clinics


Are you eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine? If yes, but haven’t yet booked one don’t delay - ring 0300 234 5555 to arrange your appointment.


We are holding clinics on the following dates:


Saturday 11th September – Granta Sawston, Granta Linton, Granta Shelford


Sunday 12th September – Granta Market Hill


Saturday 9th October – Granta Sawston, Granta Linton, Granta Barley


Saturday 23rd October – Granta Shelford


As a Granta patient, you have a choice of which venue you attend, on a day most convenient for you.


If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0300 234 5555 or email me on


Charity Event


Granta Medical Practices are proud to support EastFest21, a charity music festival being held on Saturday 18th September, raising awareness of mental health and suicide. Set in the grounds of The Coach House Hotel at Flint Cross (CB22 7PN), there will be live music, a beer festival, food and side stalls, with B&B rooms and camping available. All proceeds are going to the Zero Suicide Alliance, a charity dedicated to raising awareness of suicide by offering free online training for everyone and bringing NHS trusts and organisations together with the joint aim of reducing suicide nationwide.


For further information about EastFest21 and to order tickets go to


For further information about the Zero Suicide Alliance and to access free online training go to


Remember that whatever you are going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call free on 116 123.

Posted Aug 22 21


Granta Medical Practice update August 2021

Here at Granta, we are always looking at new ways to connect with our patients and help assist them with their health care journey.


One of the options we are currently considering is a mobile telephone app called Airmid; a patient-facing app designed for patients and GP surgeries alike. From viewing upcoming appointments to video consultations, viewing your medical records and ordering your medication, you can manage all your health care needs in one place. There is also the option of incorporating and tracking your own personal health goals with Apple Health and Google Fit.

Airmid is a simple, secure app which you can log into using your NHS app login or your SystmOnline account. An NHS app login can also be created directly via Airmid.

Over the next few weeks we are planning to trial this mobile app with a number of pre-selected patients to test its suitability.  If you have the NHS app, why not download Airmid and take a look? We would welcome any feedback you may have.

Sandra East, Head of Patient Services, email:

2021 Flu Clinics


In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, having your flu vaccination is more important than ever. It is important because if you are at risk from coronavirus, you are also more at risk of problems from flu.  Additionally, if you get flu and coronavirus at the same time, research shows you are more likely to be seriously ill.

This year the flu vaccine will be given to people who:

·        Are 50 and over

·        Have certain health conditions

·        Are pregnant

·        Are in long-stay residential care

·        Receive a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick

·        Live with someone who’s at high risk from coronavirus

·        Frontline health or social care workers

From 1st July 2021 you will be able to book your flu jab and, as a Granta patient, you have the flexibility of choosing when and where you would like to go for your vaccination.  Clinic dates are as follows:-

Saturday 11th September      Sawston Medical Centre

                                        Shelford Health Centre

                                        Linton Health Centre


Sunday 12th September        Market Hill Surgery, Royston


Saturday 9th October            Sawston Medical Centre

                                        Linton Health Centre


Sunday 10th October            Market Hill Surgery, Royston


Saturday 23rd October          Shelford Health Centre


When you ring to book your appointment, please state your preferred date, preferred venue and give your age so that you can be booked in for the most appropriate vaccine.


Please note, we do not currently have dates for the child flu clinics as we are waiting on delivery information.


Did you know … having your flu jab at your doctors’ surgery is the quickest and most convenient way as there are no forms to fill out – the doctors and nurses have your medical history at their finger-tips.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.


Sandra East, Head of Patient Services

Granta Medical Practices

Tel: 0300 234 5555,

Anchor 1 flu


Beauty & health businesses in Great Shelford

angliEAR Hearing and Tinnitus Solutions
Suite 3 Grain House
Mill Court
Great Shelford
CB22 5LD
01223 661399


Cambridge Clear Beauty

Mill Court

Great Shelford

Tel: 01223 214960



BeauFitness personal trainer
136 Hinton Way
Great Shelford 
Tel: 07736064648



Beauty Consulting Rooms
7 London Road
Great Shelford
CB22 5DB
Tel: 01223 844471


Blossom and Beauty 

66a High Street 
Great Shelford 
Tel: 01223 847788 

Bodymend at Camyoga
Chaston House
1 Mill Court
Great Shelford
CB22 5LD


Bodywork Therapy Professional skin and beauty treatment 
200 Cambridge Road
Great Shelford
CB22 5JU
Tel. 01223 479277 or 07877 310382


California Bronze Mobile beauty therapist
71 Macaulay Avenue
Great Shelford
CB22 5AF
Tel. 07872965101 


Cambridge Clear Beauty

Mill Court

Great Shelford

Tel: 01223 214960



Cambridge Personal Fitness Training


Tel: 07766 825915

The Cambridge Physiotherapy Clinic
Unit A, Magog Court
Shelford Bottom
CB22 3AD
Phone 211606


Camyoga South Studios
Chaston House
1 Mill Court
Great Shelford
CB22 5LD
Tel: 01223 847930 


EMP Therapies - Sports Massage and Complementary Therapies
Grain House,
Mill Court,
Great Shelford,
CB22 5LD
Tel: 07808 125613



Health and Happiness - Psychological Wellbeing Services
Website: -
Grain House at Relief
Mill Court
CB22 5LD
Mobile: 07776071554


Jenny P Wilson massage

(Monday 15:00 to 19:00 only)
2 Grain House, Mill Court, Great Shelford
Phone: 01223 881899


Movement Space (Pilates and Qigong)

Tel: 01223 700232



Physiopilates Academy
Tel: 01223 841968


Shelford Nutrition -a nutrition & dietetic consultancy specialising in weight management

Mairi Huntly Registered Dietitian


1 Trinity Lane, Great Shelford, CB22 5FE


Tel: 07741474076

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