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Great Shelford library March update

March is Women’s History Month, raising awareness of the contribution’s women have made to events through history and society. Come and browse our display of books celebrating women’s achievements.


Science week is 7th-16th March, we will have a Science themed craft activity on Saturday 8th March, and 24th – 30th March is Shakespeare week, we will have a Shakespeare themed craft activity on Saturday 29th March.


Library Events in March


Craft and Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  No need to book.

Tea and Tablets – Every Tuesday afternoon 2pm-4pm. Do you have a digital question, or have a query about your digital device? Come and chat to our friendly, knowledgeable volunteer who will hopefully be able to help. No need to book.

Engage Talk:   – Tony Kirby – Market Towns of East Anglia

Wednesday 26th March, 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Stay and Play – Resumes in March. Thursday 6th and Thursday 20th March. For children aged 0-3 years.  2.00pm-3.30pm. A relaxed drop in session for families with young children, £2 per family. Toys provided.

Story, Rhyme and Duplo Time – Every Tuesday at 10.30am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

Art Club- Every Saturday morning 10.30am-12noon. Suitable for ages 4-10. Drop in event. £2 donation. Parents and carers must supervise their children at all times.

Mel Abbiss – Community Librarian Posted Feb 8 2025

Great Shelford library February update

February is LGBTQ+ History Month, a celebration of queer history in the UK. The theme for 2025 is activism and social change: our library will be hosting displays and books in support.

Don’t forget Valentine’s Day, we will have a Valentine themed craft event at Art Club on Saturday 8th February.


Library Events in February


Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  No need to book.

Engage Talk:   – Elisabeth Goodman-Spain– We Need to Talk About Climate Action

Wednesday 26th February 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Unicorn and Dragon Craft Event– Thursday 20th February 2.00pm-3.30pm – Parents and carers must stay with their children who remain their responsibility. £2.00 per child Limited places, please pre-book in the library or via

Festival of Stories: Nature Stories and Craft: Tuesday 25th  February 10.30am -11.30am.Stories and crafts with a Recycling theme.  For families of children aged 2-5. Please pre-book in the library or via

Story, Rhyme & Duplo Time – Every Tuesday at 10.30am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

LEGO and DUPLO CLUB / Children’s Games Club – Alternate weeks, Mondays  4.00pm-5.30pm.  Suggested donation £1.00.  Suitable for ages 2-10. Parents/carers please stay with your children during all library activities.

Art Club- Every Saturday morning 10.30am-12noon. Suitable for ages 4-10. Drop in event. £2 donation. Parents and carers must supervise their children at all times.



Mel Abbiss – Community Librarian

Posted Jan 20 2025

Great Shelford library January update

Did you know that Cambridgeshire Libraries offer a free Library at Home service to readers of any age who find it difficult to get to the library due to disability, illness or caring responsibilities?

A local volunteer can visit monthly at a mutually convenient time, bringing library books and audiobooks chosen according to each reader’s preference, and have a friendly chat if you’d like. For more information please ask at the library, call 0345 045 5225, or visit our website


Library Events in January


Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. No need to book.

Engage Talk:   – Helen Harwood – A Little Bit of Shelford History. Wednesday 22nd January 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Story, Rhyme & Duplo Time – Every Tuesday at 10.30am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

LEGO and DUPLO CLUB/ Children Games Club – Alternate weeks, Monday’s   4.00-5.30pm.  Suggested donation £1.00.  Suitable for ages 2-10. Parents/carers please stay with your children during all library activities.

Art Club- Every Saturday morning 10.30am-12noon. Suitable for ages 4-10. Drop in event. £2 donation. Parents and carers must supervise their children at all times.

Stay and Play – This will resume in March due to staff shortages. Apologies


Mel Abbiss – Community Librarian

Great Shelford December library update

We will be running our usual events during December


Story, Rhyme & Duplo Time – Every Tuesday at 10.30am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. No need to book.

Stay and Play – Thursday 12th December. For children aged 0-3 years.  2.00-3.30pm. A relaxed drop in session for families with young children, £2 per family. Toys provided.

LEGO and DUPLO CLUB – Fortnightly, Monday 9th and 23rd December 4.00-5.30pm. Come along and have some fun making Lego models. All materials provided. Suggested donation £1.00.  Suitable for ages 2-10.

Children’s Games Club- Fortnightly, Monday 2nd and 16th December 4.00-5.30pm. Come along and have fun. Board and card games provided. Suggested donation £1.00, no need to book. Parents/carers please stay with your children during all library activities.

Art Club- Every Saturday morning 10.30am-12noon. Suitable for ages 4-10. Drop in event.

£1 donation. Parents and carers must supervise their children at all times.


Christmas and New Year Opening Hours:  Great Shelford Library will close for Christmas at 1pm on Tuesday 24th December and reopen at 10am on Friday 3rd January .

Posted Nov 22 2024

Click here to return to the Newsletter

Great Shelford library November update

Now the nights are long and cold why not pop into the library to find a book to curl up with.

We have lots of wonderful books to while away a dank and dark November. Stuck in a
book rut. Why not browse our customer and staff recommendations?

Story, Rhyme & Duplo Time – Every Tuesday at 10.30am
For children aged 0-4 years. Come and enjoy stories and rhymes led by our wonderful
volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.
Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm. No need to book.
Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. No need to book.
Stay and Play – Fortnightly, Thursday 14th and 28th November. For children aged 0-3
years. 2.00-3.30pm. A relaxed drop in session for families with young children, £2 per
family. Toys provided.

LEGO and DUPLO CLUB – Fortnightly, Monday 11 th and 25 th November 4.00-5.30pm.
Come along and have some fun making Lego models. All materials provided. Suggested
donation £1.00. Suitable for ages 2-10.

Children’s Games Club- Fortnightly, Monday 4 th and 18 th November 4.00-5.30pm. Come
along and have fun. Board and card games provided. £1 per child, no need to book.
Parents/carers please stay with your children during all library activities.

Art Club- Every Saturday morning 10.30am-12noon. Suitable for ages 4-8. Drop in event.
£1 donation. Parents and carers must supervise their children at all times.

Engage Talk: – The Engage talk in November is  "A Glimpse of Eternal Snow "" by Jane Wilson. A talk about her 12 years in Nepal . . Wednesday 27rd November 2.00pm-3.30pm.
A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in
the library or via

Also, don’t forget that we have our Digital Buddy in every Tuesday from 2pm to 4pm.
Mel Abbiss – Community Librarian

Great Shelford library October update

October is Black History month  - Come and explore our display celebrating Black contributions to British life and literature.


Friends of Great Shelford Library will be holding their Annual Book Sale from Monday 7th October to Saturday 12th October, to celebrate Libraries week.  The focus this year is on sustainability and the climate. What better way to support our environment by buying used books and supporting your library in the process. We also have a wide range of books to borrow on climate change, energy and the environment.


To support Libraries week. Helen Harwood will be presenting “ A Little Bit Of Shelford History” on Wednesday 9th October at 2pm. Tickets £5 or £3 for Friends of Great Shelford Library. Please book in library.


Also on during October: -

Story, Rhyme & Duplo Time – Every Tuesday at 10.30am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and Rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

Engage Talk:   A Haven for Farmland Birds. A talk by John Meed on his study of the fields between Granham’s Road and Addenbrookes – Wednesday 23rd October 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Fancy Dress Spooky Crafts– Thursday 31st  October  2-3.30pm, £2 per child

Come and create something spooky for Halloween. Suitable for ages 2-10. Please pre-book in the library or via

Children must be accompanied by an adult during events.


Finally – Great Shelford Library had the largest percentage increase in children’s Summer Reading Challenge signups in the County. Thank you for your support. We hope to see even more of you next year !!

Great Shelford September library update

Congratulations to all the children who completed this year’s Summer Reading Challenge! We hope you enjoyed reading and coming along to events. The awards ceremony is at Great Shelford library on Monday 9th September at 4.30pm. Please come along if you can. We will keep the certificates and medals safe for children who cannot attend the ceremony.

With children heading back to school this month, don’t forget that the library is a great place to find books to help with projects. In addition to books, with a library card you can access Britannica Online, on our computers or from home. This amazing online encyclopaedia has information on a vast range of topics, suitable for different age groups and available in different languages. Check our website Libraries | Cambridgeshire County Council our ask in the library for details. 


Heading into autumn our regular activities resume, including: 


For Children

Story and Rhyme Time and Duplo – Every Tuesday morning at 10.30 am.

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and Rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

Lego Club – Monday 4pm-5.30pm Fortnightly. No need to book

Games Club – Monday 4pm-5pm Fortnightly. No need to book

For Adults

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. No need to book.

Engage Talk:  The Spinning House – Caroline Briggs. How Cambridge University locked up its women in private prisons.  Wednesday 25th September 2.00pm-3.30pm.    

 A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via


Posted August 20 2024

Great Shelford July/ August library update

It’s fun, fantastic and free to join: sign up your children for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge at Great Shelford Library from Saturday 13th July! The theme is Marvellous Makers and there’ll be lots of chances to get creative. The Challenge is designed to keep children reading all summer, with rewards along the way and a medal and certificate for everyone who finishes. Reading is good for relaxation, interest and sparking imagination, plus reading through the holidays will help keep important skills in shape during the long break from school.  


We will be holding lots of children’s events at Great Shelford Library to add to the Summer Reading Challenge fun. In July we have:

FAMILY LEGO / DUPLO EVENT – Thursday 25th July, 2-3.30pm, £2 per child

Build your own Lego and Duplo creations. Suitable for ages 2-10

THE MAGIC MAKING SHOW – Wednesday 31st July, 2-3.15pm, £5 per child

Come and be amazed by our magician. Suitable for ages 3-10.

For all children’s events please pre-book in the library or via



Engage Talk:   - Marco Polo– Presented by Dave Horan. Wednesday 24th July, 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. No need to book.

Rhyme/Story Time and Duplo – Every Tuesday in July at 10.30am.

For children aged 0-4 years. 

August update

We will be holding lots of children’s events at Great Shelford Library to add to the Summer Reading Challenge fun. In August we have:


Author and Crafts – Wednesday 7th August, 2.30 -4pm, £2 per child

Children’s author Antonia Maxwell will be reading from her new book Terra Electrica , followed by  mask making. Suitable for ages 5+

Music Makers – Wednesday 14th August, 2-3.30pm, £2 per child

Come and make some music with drums, ukulele and guitar. £2 per child.

Suitable for ages 3-10.

Clock Making –Thursday 22nd August, 2-3.30pm £2 per child.

Create your own CD clock to take home. Suitable for ages 4-10

Buzzy Bees – Wednesday 28th August, 2-3.30pm, £2 per child

Bee keeping demonstration. Honey will be available to buy. Suitable for Ages 5+


For all children’s events please, pre-book in the library or via



Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. No need to book.

Posted June 19 2024


Great Shelford library June update

There is plenty to discover and enjoy at your library in June.  8-16th June is the Great Big Green Week, a national celebration of simple planet-friendly actions. At Great Shelford we’ll be hosting a display from 2G3S Book Club, reviewing books on sustainability and climate action. We will also be hosting nature themed craft events on Saturday 8th and 16th June for children.

It’s also Pride Month, celebrating LGBTQ+ diversity. Come and read the rainbow at the library.

June is National Crime Readers Month, too. The library has a huge selection of crime fiction, and we’re always ready to help you solve the mystery of what to read next.




Engage Talk:   - Local Studies – Join Mary Burgess our Local Studies librarian as she discusses Cambridgeshire’s local collection. Wednesday 26th June, 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  Pop in on a Friday morning to craft and chat with others. £2.00 donation for tea or coffee. No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. A relaxed games afternoon. We will provide games, but please feel free to bring your own if you would prefer. £2.00 to include tea or coffee. No need to book.

Stay and Play – Fortnightly, Thursday 13th and 27th June. For children aged 0-4 years.  2.00-3.30pm. A relaxed drop in session for families with young children, £2 per family. Toys provided.

Rhyme/Story Time and Duplo – Every Tuesday in June at 10.30am.

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy rhymes and stories, led by our wonderful volunteers. Duplo will be available after stories and rhymes finish. This is a free drop-in event.

Posted May 24 2024

Great Shelford library May update

May is always one of my favourite months. The lovely long evenings and warmer weather encourages us all to get outside more. Why not come into the library to find books on new hobbies, gardening, travel or sporting activities. The library service is committed to helping us all to live a more sustainable life. We have lots of books in stock that can help us all achieve this goal. May is also Local and Community History Month. Are you curious about the history of your community? Great Shelford library has an extensive local history section for you to explore. Please note we will be closed on the two Bank Holiday Monday’s in May.


Engage Talk:   - Healthy You – Join Ben Truett as he discusses the benefits of activity. Wednesday 22nd May, 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  Pop in on a Friday morning to craft and chat with others. £2.00 donation for tea or coffee. No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. A relaxed games afternoon. We will provide games, but please feel free to bring your own if you would prefer. £2.00 to include tea or coffee. No need to book.

Lego/Duplo Event – Thursday 30th May 2.00pm-3.30pm – Parents and carers must stay with their children who remain their responsibility. £2.00 per child. Please pre-book in the  library or via

Stay and Play – Fortnightly, Thursday 2nd and 16th May. For children aged 0-4 years.  2.00-3.30pm. A relaxed drop in session for families with young children, £2 per family. Toys provided.

Rhyme Time – Tuesday 7th and Tuesday 21st May at 10.30am.

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy rhymes and stories, led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event.

Mel Abbiss

Posted April 23 2024

Great Shelford library April update

For Adults

Engage Talk:   - Challis House – Come and hear about the work of the Challis House Trust in Sawston. Wednesday 24th April, 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  Pop in on a Friday morning to craft and chat with others. £2.00 donation for tea or coffee. No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. A relaxed games afternoon. We will provide games, but please feel free to bring your own if you would prefer. £2.00 to include tea or coffee. No need to book.


Children’s Clubs and Events

LION LEARNERS EVENT – Meet some amazing furry, cuddly and creepy animals and hear their stories. Thursday 4th April 2.30-3.30pm. Only suitable for ages 4yrs+, £5 per child payable on booking. Please pre-book in the library or via


DOGS TRUST CHILDREN EVENT – A free family workshop to learn about safe behaviour around dogs and being responsible around our four-pawed friends! Wednesday 10th April 2.00-3.30pm. Suitable for ages 7-11. Please pre-book in the library or via


LEGO and DUPLO Event – Wednesday 3rd April, 2.00pm to 3.30pm. Come along and have some fun making Lego models. All materials provided. Suitable for ages 2-10. £2.00 per child. Please pre-book in the library or via

Children’s Games Club- Fortnightly, Monday 8th and 18th April 4.00-5.30pm. Come along and have fun. Board and card games provided. £1 per child, no need to book. Parents/carers please stay with your children during all library activities.

Posted March 20 2024

Great Shelford Library March update

Now Spring has arrived why not pop into the library to get books to help you make the most of your garden this year. Planning your summer holiday, we a have a large collection of travel books, and if we don’t have what you are looking for we can order them for you.

March is Women’s History Month, we will be showcasing some of our best titles by and about women around the world.

This month we will be hosting the following events

Engage Talk:   - Exploring Cambridgeshire Churches - Wednesday 27th March, 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  Pop in on a Friday morning to craft and chat with others. £2.00 donation for tea or coffee. No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. A relaxed games afternoon. We will provide games, but please feel free to bring your own if you would prefer. £2.00 to include tea or coffee. No need to book.

Stay and Play – Every Thursday afternoon. For children aged 0-4 years.  2.00-3.30pm. A relaxed drop in session for families with young children, £2 per family. Toys and refreshments provided.

Rhyme Time – Tuesday 5th and Tuesday 19th March at 10.30am.

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy rhymes and stories and led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event.

LEGO and DUPLO CLUB – Fortnightly, Monday 11th and 25th March 4.00-5.30pm. Come along and have some fun making Lego models. All materials provided. Suggested donation £1.00.  Suitable for ages 2-10.

Children’s Games Club- Fortnightly, Monday 4th and 18th March 4.00-5.30pm. Come along and have fun. Board and card games provided. £1 per child, no need to book. Parents/carers please stay with your children during all library activities.

Art Club- Every Saturday morning 10.30am-12noon. Suitable for ages 4-8. Drop in event.

£1 donation appreciated. Parents and Carers must supervise their children at all times.

Posted Feb 27 2024

Great Shelford library February update

February is LGBT+ History Month. Discover a rainbow of reading in our display of books by LGBT+ authors. 6-12th February is Children’s Mental Health Week. Reading all sorts of books for pleasure can give children a great sense of wellbeing, and we have lots they can choose from.

 Don’t forget that February 14th is Valentine’s Day, don’t have a date!! Why not go on a blind date with a new author. Who knows you may just fall in love!!


We have various events on this month to suit all ages.


Engage Talk:   - Railways in Cambridge - Wednesday 28th February 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  Pop in on a Friday morning to craft and chat with others. £2.00 to include tea or coffee. No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. A relaxed games afternoon. We will provide games, but please feel free to bring your own if you would prefer. £2.00 to include tea or coffee. No need to book.

Stay and Play – Every Thursday afternoon. For children aged 0-4 years.  2.00-3.30pm. A relaxed drop in session for families with young children, £2 per family. Toys provided.

During Half term we have two Children’s Events -

Lego/Duplo Event – Wednesday 24th February 2.00pm-3.30pm – Parents and carers must stay with their children who remain their responsibility. Free event, donations of £2.00 appreciated. Limited places, please pre-book in library or via

Festival of Stories: Reconnecting, Reusing and Recycling: Thursday 22nd  February 10-11am.Stories and crafts with a Recycling theme.  For families of children aged 2-5. Please pre-book in the library or via

Posted Jan 22 2024

Great Shelford library January update

Beat the January Blues by visiting the library this month. We have lots of books to help kick start those New Year resolutions. Or just find a good book to curl up with during these dark winter nights.


For adults this January we will be hosting-

Engage Talk:   Helen Harwood.  The Shelford Shopper: A history of shopping and shops in the village. Why does Cambridge look like it does? - Wednesday 24th January 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  Pop in on a Friday morning to craft and chat with others. £2.00 to include tea or coffee. No need to book.

Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2.00– 3.30pm. A relaxed games afternoon. We will provide games, but please feel free to bring your own if you would prefer. £2.00 to include tea or coffee. No need to book.

For children we will be hosting –

Story and Rhyme Time – Tuesday 2nd and Tuesday 16th January at 10.30am.


For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event.

LEGO and DUPLO CLUB – Fortnightly starting Monday 15th January 4.00-5.30pm. Come along and have some fun making Lego models. All materials provided. Suggested donation £1.00.  Suitable for ages 2-10.


Stay and Play – Every Thursday afternoon. For children aged 0-4 years.  2.00-3.30pm. A relaxed drop in session for families with young children, £2 per family. Toys provided.


Children’s Games Club- Fortnightly, starting Monday 8th January 4.00-5.30pm. Come along and have fun. Board and card games provided. £1 per child, no need to book. Parents/carers please stay with your children during all library activities.

Posted Jan 2 2024

Great Shelford December library update

The library will be hosting two new drop- in groups during December. No need to book just turn up


Craft & Chat – Every Friday morning 10.30am -12pm.  Pop in on a Friday morning to craft and chat with others. £2.00 to include tea or coffee.


Tea & Games – Every Friday afternoon 2pm – 3.30pm. A relaxed games afternoon. We will provide games, but please feel free to bring your own if you would prefer. £2.00 to include tea or coffee


Great Shelford will be hosting the following regular activities during December.


Story and Rhyme Time – Tuesday 5th and Tuesday 19th December at 10.30 am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.


LEGO and DUPLO CLUB – Monday 18th December 4.30-5.30pm. Come along and have some fun making Lego models. All materials provided. Suggested donation £1.00.

 Suitable for ages 2-10, Children must be accompanied by an adult during events.


Christmas and New Year Opening Hours: Great Shelford Library will close at 1pm Saturday 23rd December and reopen at 10am Tuesday 2nd January.

Posted Nov 14 2023

Great Shelford library November update

As the nights draw in and the weather cools, find a warm welcome at your library! Come to browse the shelves, join in with activities or just have a chat throughout the winter months.


Great Shelford will be hosting the following events and regular activities during November.


Story and Rhyme Time - Tuesday 7th November and Tuesday 21st November at 10.30 am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

LEGO and DUPLO CLUB – Monday 20th November 4.30-5.30pm. Come along and have some fun making Lego models. All materials provided. Suggested donation £1.00.

Suitable for ages 2-10, Children must be accompanied by an adult during events.

Engage Talk -  “Scams Awareness” with Nigel Sutton from Cambridgeshire Police - Wednesday 29th November 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Posted Oct 18 2023

Great Shelford library October update and news

October is Black History month

We are supporting The Reading Agency’s “Mark my Words” campaign with a collection of new books to celebrate Black authors. 


Friends of Great Shelford Library will be holding their Annual Book Sale from Monday 2nd October to Sunday 8th October, to celebrate Libraries Week. The theme this year is Sustainability and Climate Change. What better way to support our environment by buying used books and supporting your library in the process.  We will be having a Special Green Display during Libraries Week. Offering customers the opportunity to comment on books they would recommend on subjects relating to Green Issues.


We will be hosting the following events and regular activities during October: -

Story and Rhyme Time - Tuesday 3rd October and Tuesday 17th October at 10.30 am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and Rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

Author Talk– Wednesday 4th October 2.00pm-3.00pm

Local author Rachael Mellor talks about her new book, The Box with the Sunflower Clasp., a story of family secrets and a young Jewish woman’s escape from 1930’s Vienna to Shanghai. Tickets £3. Please book in advance in the library or via

Engage Talk:   Tony Kirby. Why does Cambridge look like it does? - Wednesday 18th October 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

LEGO and DUPLO EVENT – Wednesday 25th October  2-3.30pm, £2 per child

Build your own Lego and Duplo creations. Suitable for ages 2-10

Please pre-book in the library or via

Children must be accompanied by an adult during events.

Posted Oct 2 2023

Great Shelford library September update and news


Congratulations to all the children who completed this year’s Summer Reading Challenge! We hope you enjoyed reading and coming along to events. If you haven’t finished yet, don’t worry there’s still time before the awards ceremony at the Great Shelford  library on 25th September at 4.30pm.

Remember to keep visiting the library during the school term, too. We have lots of brilliant books to support your topics and projects, plus your library card gives you free access to Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. 


Heading into autumn our regular activities resumes, including:  


Story and Rhyme Time - Tuesday 5th September and Tuesday 19th September at 10.30 am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and Rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.


Lego Club – Monday 18th September 4.30pm-5.30pm

Come along and have some fun making LEGO models. All materials provided. Suggested donation £1.00. Parents and carers please stay with your children.


Engage Talk:  Visiting Antarctic - Wednesday 27th September 2.00pm-3.30pm.    

“A Dream Fulfilled”, a talk by Rosie Feulll.  A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via


Stop by to find out what’s new, browse the shelves for some seasonal reads or use our free Wifi. You are always welcome at the library.

Posted Aug 16 2023

Great Shelford library August update

The popular Summer Reading Challenge continues to run through August. Please remember to keep coming into the library to tell us about the books you have read and to collect your stickers. The library will be hosting events to keep children entertained through the long summer holidays.


DINOSAUR EVENT - Wednesday 2nd August, 2-3.30pm, £2 per child.

Dino puzzles, games and stories, plus meet a T-Rex.

All ages but most suitable for 4+

BUZZY BEE EVENT – Wednesday 9th August, 2-3pm, £2 per child

An informative and entertaining demonstration of bee-keeping plus bee themed crafts.

Suitable for ages 5+

READY STEADY MAGIC – Wednesday 16th August, 2-3.15pm, £5 per child

Come and be amazed by our magician

Suitable for ages 3-10

CRAFT EVENT – Wednesday 24th August, 2-3.30pm, £2 per child

Create amazing junk modelling. Take your creations home. 

Suitable for ages 3-10

LEGO and DUPLO EVENT – Wednesday 30th August, 2-3.30pm, £2 per child

Build your own Lego and Duplo creations.

Suitable for ages 2-10

For all children’s events please pre-book in the library or via

Children must be accompanied by an adult during events.


Our regular library activities will resume in September


Finally - Don’t forget, if you are travelling on holiday you can pack a mobile device with

library eBooks, eAudiobooks and eComics to keep your luggage light.

Posted July 26 2023

Great Shelford library news July 2023

The popular Summer Reading Challenge starts in July! The challenge is designed to keep children reading all summer, with rewards along the way and a medal and certificate for everyone who finishes. Sign up from Saturday 8th July. The children can read whichever library books they like and there are 6 special stickers to collect, one for each week of the Summer Holidays. It’s a fun and relaxing and a great way for children to keep up their reading skills during the long school break. Great Shelford Library will be hosting various events at the library to add to the


Summer Reading Challenge fun.

Lego/Duplo Event for Children - Thursday 27th July, 2-3.30pm. £2 per child. Ages 2+

Dinosaur Event - Wednesday 2nd August. £2 per child. Ages 2+

Watch this space for more details of fun activities during August.



Engage Talk – Wednesday 26th July 2-3.30pm. Mary Burgess will be giving a talk on The History of Cycling in Cambridge. A donation of £2 is appreciated, please stay for a drink and chat after the talk.  Please pre-book in the library or via

Story and Rhyme Time. Tuesdays 10.30am 4th and 18th July. Drop in event

Lego Club. Monday 17th July 4.30-5.30pm. Drop in event


Finally - Don’t forget, if you are travelling on holiday you can pack a mobile device with

library eBooks, eAudiobooks and eComics to keep your luggage light.

Posted June 2023

Great Shelford library news June 2023

Friends of Great Shelford Library will celebrate Great Big Green Week (10-18 June) with an eco-event for children, Saturday 10th June, 2-4pm. Find out about insects, do some citizen science and make a bug hotel! Please book in advance at the library.

On Wednesday 14th June, 10am-1pm, the Friends are holding a drop-in event inviting you to write a Letter to Tomorrow. Express your thoughts and concerns about climate change in a letter to a future person – it could even be your future self. Letters will be added to a campaign to encourage decision-makers to act now on climate change.


Crime books are always among the top ten most borrowed titles in libraries. Make the most of National Crime Reading Month in June by borrowing a book from the wide range on offer at Great Shelford Library. We have everything from classic and cosy to grim and gripping. 


Don’t let a visual or print impairment stop you from enjoying books. The library can help you find many ways to read. On our shelves we have Large Print and audiobooks, and dyslexia-friendly books for children. We also offer eBooks and eAudiobooks. On our website,, we have lots more resources and information, or please ask staff. 

If you have caring responsibilities come to the library this month to find out about support and other useful information – look for our display. 


We will also be running our usual activities - Story and Rhyme Time-Tuesday 6th and 20th June at 10.30 am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and Rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

Lego Club – Monday 19th June 4.30pm-5.30pm

Come along and have some fun making LEGO models. All materials provided. Suggested donation £1.00. Parents and carers please stay with your children.

Engage Talk- The Joys of Nordic Walking -Wednesday 28th May 2.00pm-3.30pm.   A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Posted May 16 2023

Great Shelford Library News May 2023


For Children

Story and Rhyme Time - Tuesday 2nd May and Tuesday 16th May at 10.30 am

For children aged 0-4 years.  Come and enjoy stories and Rhymes led by our wonderful volunteers. This is a free drop-in event. Parents/carers please stay with your children.

Lego Club – Monday 15th May 4.30pm-5.30pm

Come along and have some fun making LEGO models. All materials provided. Suggested donation £1.00. Parents and carers please stay with your children.

Lego/Duplo, Wednesday 31st May, 2.30-3.30pm. £2 per child. Ages 2+. Please book in library or email


For Adults

Author Talk by Matthew Green – Wednesday 3rd May 2.00-3.30pm

Drowned. Buried by sand. Decimated by plague. Explore the forgotten history of Britain’s lost cities. Matthew will be talking about his book Shadowlands: a journey through lost Britain. Tickets £5.00. Please book in library or email

Engage Talk: The Western Front Alliance -Wednesday 24th May 2.00pm-3.30pm.    

 Emrys Jones will explain how he became a battlefield guide, leading tours of the Western Front.  A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via


Did you know that Cambridgeshire Libraries offers a Library at Home service for readers who find it difficult to get to the library? A local volunteer can visit monthly at a mutually convenient time, bringing library books, and have a chat if you’d like. It’s a free service. For more information about becoming a Library at Home customer or volunteer, please ask at your local library, email


Mel Abbiss

Posted April 20 2023

Great Shelford library April update

Now the nights are longer and the clocks have gone back, why not come into the library to find resources to help you plan your spring/ summer projects. We have lots of books on travel, gardening, crafts and books for your holiday reading.


We’re looking forward to holding three children’s events during April at Great Shelford Library during the Easter holidays. Pre-booking and payment is required Please call in to the library to book a place.


  • Spring Craft Event for Children: Thursday 6th April, 2-3.30pm. £2 per child. Ages 3+.

  • Lego/Duplo Event for Children, Wednesday 5th April, 2-3.30pm. £2 per child. Ages 2+

  • Lego/Duplo Event for Children, Wednesday 12th April, 2-3.30pm. £2 per child. Ages 2+


We will also be hosting our Engage talk and Reading Group for adults.


Reading Group – Wednesday 12th April 10.30am-11.30am – Please come into library to book your place. Alternatively get in contact via


Engage Talk: Wednesday 26th April 2.00pm-3.30pm. An inspiring talk by Cambridgeshire Air Ambulance.  A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via


We are also hoping to start a “Knit and Natter” group in the library. Please come in to let us know if you would be interested.


Also keep an eye on out notice boards and Facebook pages – Cambridgeshire Libraries or Cambridgeshire Libraries Families, for other exciting events.


Mel Abbiss

Posted March 9 2023

Great Shelford Library News March 2023


Spring into some new reading at Great Shelford Library. Drop in to see what’s new in our displays, ask staff for recommendations - or suggest your own favourite titles for us to share with other readers.


March is Women’s History Month, which includes International Women’s Day, so we’ll be highlighting some of our best titles by and about women around the world. 

Looking for some good company or things to do? The library is a great place to meet up with people and try something new. Here’s what’s happening in the library this month: 


Reading Group – Wednesday 8th March 10.30am-11.30am – Please come into library to book your place. Alternatively get in contact via


Lego Club – Monday 20th March 4.30pm-5.30pm – Free event, donations of £1.00 appreciated. No need to book just come along. Parents and carers must stay with their children who remain their responsibility.

Engage Talk: Wednesday 22nd March 2pm-3.30pm. Dip into Great Shelford’s history. A talk by Helen Harwood on Great Shelford’s history. A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

Festival of Stories: Bee Storytime: Thursday 2nd March 10-11am. For families of children aged 0-5. Please book via the Festival’s Eventbrite page. For details please visit Stories


Are you a new arrival to the UK and Cambridgeshire, or do you know someone who is? Cambridgeshire Libraries website has a page with lots of useful information and support. Search for “Libraries of Sanctuary – Cambridgeshire County Council” to find out about housing, internet access, learning English and more.  

We now have the Cambridgeshire Guide to Independent Living 2023 in the library, so come and pick up a copy if this sounds useful for you. The library is a great place for anyone looking for information on all kinds of local services, events and activities – we’ll be pleased to help you. 

Mel Abbiss

Great Shelford library update February 2023

We look forward to seeing you in Great Shelford Library this February. Our warm welcome for the winter months continues - feel free to stay as long as you like during our regular open hours. Read a book, use our free WiFi and computers, or join in one of our social activities. This month we are hosting…..


Reading Group – Wednesday 8th February 10.30am-11.30am – Please come into library to book your place. Alternatively get in contact via


Half Term Lego Event – Wednesday 15th February 2.00pm-3.30pm – Parents and carers must stay with their children who remain their responsibility. Free event, donations of £2.00 appreciated. Limited places, please pre-book in library or via

Engage Talk: Wednesday 22nd February 2pm-3.30pm. Shackleton’s Epic Journey. A donation of £2 is appreciated. Please stay for a drink after the talk. Please pre-book in the library or via

February is LGBT+ History Month. Discover a rainbow of reading in our display of books by LGBT+ authors.


6-12 February is Children’s Mental Health Week. Reading all sorts of books for pleasure can give children a great sense of wellbeing, and we have lots they can choose from. We also have a special collection of books that support children with specific mental health problems, such as anxiety.


February is Valentine’s Day month, why not take a chance on a blind date with a book? Check out a mystery wrapped book from our display. Who knows, you might fall in love with it!


Finally, we would love to know about the books you have enjoyed so we can share with others.

Please bring the book to the counter so we can put on our readers recommendation stand.

Posted Jan 16 2023

Great Shelford library updates

Mel Abbiiss is Great Shelford's new librarian. She ill be working the same hours as Rosemary Humby, who retired in September.

Free charity workshop at Great Shelford Library with Sew Positive. 

(Limited places, booking essential online:


Escape the bustle and rush with a free festive mindful embroidery workshop at Great Shelford Library on Wednesday 7 December 2-4pm. 


Volunteers from local mental health charity, Sew Positive, will teach you to make a small craft item for yourself or as a gift, using embroidery and slow stitching - which is also excellent for calming the mind. 


Haslingfield resident Melissa Santiago-Val launched the charity in December 2020 after she set up a community project making fabric masks, garnering over 50 volunteers, which raised £40,000 for NHS Charities Together. The charity aims to bring people together who face social isolation through their services across Cambridge, using sewing, mending, upcycling and sharing skills in a safe social setting. This event is open to all and you don't need any sewing skills, but if you know how to embroider, come along and share your skills!


We will provide materials, but do bring any embroidery supplies if you have them. Limited places, booking essential online:


This is a free community event, with thanks to support from South Cambs District Council, the Cole Trust and Cambridgeshire Libraries. Children of any age are welcome with an adult also doing the workshop.


If you are interested in volunteering or donating to our work, please email and further information on our services is available on the link above.

We are also developing a Social Prescribing Pilot using Mindful sewing and mending, that will be operating hopefully in your area, so keep an eye on our channels and website for further information.

Posted Nov 29 2022

Shelford librarian retires


On Saturday 10 September, Rosemary Humby, Great Shelford Village Librarian, retired after 13 years of exemplary service to the community.

She is shown in the photograph with Francess Richardson (left), renowned village artist, with a painting of the library, commissioned by the Friend’s Group as a farewell present for Rosemary.  A small group of well-wishers gathered in Great Shelford Library for Rosemary’s last session.   Helen Harwood, Chairman of the Friends group, said farewell to Rosemary on behalf of all library users, volunteers and Friends and presented her with cards, gifts and the painting.

Rosemary has seen the local library through funding crises and Covid closures, remaining always patient, ever helpful and committed to the library and those who use and enjoy it.  She will be much missed.

Sarah Coppendale 

Posted Sept 12 2022

Shelford library October update

During week commencing 3rd October the Friends of Great Shelford Library will be holding their Annual Book Sale at the library to celebrate Libraries Week, with proceeds being used to help the library. Their lovely blue tote bags will also be on sale so do come and fill them up!

During Libraries Week, there will also be a Sensory Storytime held at Great Shelford Library on Thursday 6th October at 2pm. Please contact us to book a place as numbers will be limited.

Our October Engage talk will feature Tony Kirby on the History of the British Seaside. It will be at 2pm on October 26. Please contact the library to book a place. There’s no charge for the talk but if you stay for refreshments a donation of £2 would be appreciated.

With the rising cost of living at the forefront of people’s minds, please remember that membership of Cambridgeshire Libraries is free and you can choose from books and online magazines/daily papers, e-audiobooks and e-books. Use of the public computers is free, as is our public Wi-Fi. We also offer photocopying and printing for a small charge and free scanning. There is a free bus pass application/renewal service and we also offer short computer lessons with our volunteer Digital Buddy (these need to be pre-booked).

Families with children can come to our free Storytime sessions for children aged 0-4 years (10.30am on the first and third Tuesday each month during term time). Colouring pictures, stickers and certificates are also available for children in the library and there’s an accessible customer toilet with baby change facilities.

If you’re looking to learn, joining the library gives you free access to online dictionaries, family histories, biographies, newspaper cuttings, maps, plans and much more.

Would-be entrepreneurs can get a helping hand with advice on starting businesses through the Business and IP Centre. The resources will allow you to research your market, identify opportunities and make well-informed decisions when developing your business plans.

Here are three events which are coming up at the library during October:

For more information about what’s on offer at libraries in Cambridgeshire visit:


Contact details: 

Telephone: 0345 045 5225. Email:

Posted Sept 13 2022

Great Shelford library

September library update

SUMMER READING CHALLENGE: thank you to everyone who has taken part in the Summer Reading Challenge this summer – we hope you had fun! The official finishing date is 3rd September, but you can keep going until Saturday 10th September. Please make sure staff know that you have finished. The awards ceremony is at 4pm on Friday 23rd September.


STORYTIME IS BACK! Great Shelford Library’s Storytime for ages 0-4 years will be back from September onwards and there’s no need to pre-book. Sessions will run from 10.30-11am on the first and third Tuesday each month (term time only).

BIG BOOK SALE: the Friends of Great Shelford Library would be pleased to receive donations of books in excellent condition for their sale in the library during Libraries Week in October.

DO YOU NEED HELP WITH BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS? Please speak to staff at the library, as we can arrange for you to have a short one-to-one session with our Digital Buddy volunteer. We can also help with bus pass applications and renewals. Sessions are on Tuesdays and by appointment only.

POP IN AND CHAT: there will be another supportive get-together for parents and carers of children with additional needs on Wednesday 14th September from 1.30-2.30pm. Children are very welcome too. Please pre-book a place: phone 01954 284 672 or email:

ENGAGE TALK: Wednesday September 21st from 2-3.30pm. A talk by Kate Armstrong: An Unexpected Journey. The life of an Officer’s Wife in the Dying Days of the Empire. Please pre-book in the library or via Donation of £2 appreciated.

Posted Aug 30 2022

Great Shelford library.jpg

Great Shelford library opening times

  • Monday:3pm – 7pm

  • Tuesday:10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm

  • Wednesday:10am – 1pm

  • Thursday: Closed

  • Friday:10am – 1pm and 2pm – 6pm

  • Saturday:10am – 1pm

  • Sunday: Closed.

Facilities and Equipment

  • Street parking is usually available on Woollards Lane CB22 5LZ outside of the library.  The nearest public car park is across the street by the Memorial Hall. 

  • There are bike racks outside the library.

  • Bus service Citi 7 stops in nearby Tunwells Lane. Shelford railway station is 5 minutes walk away. 

  • Toilet

  • PhotocopierA4, black and white and colour

  • Printer - A4 black and white, and colour

  • Scanner

  • Computers -  eight for adults and two for children.

  • Book a computer online

  • Free WiFi

  • You don't need to have a library card to use the library facilities.

What's on at Great Shelford library

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